Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I was watching a UFC fight the other day on t.v. when I started to wonder why someone would voluntarily get the crap beat out of em once a month for an occupation. They could just get a job at target or somewhere like that. Heck I would rather be in school for the rest of my life than be a professional fighter, well maybe not that far but you get the point. And have you ever noticed that a UFC fight never ends in a split decision? It usually gets ended becuase somebody fractured there eye socket in six places or they passed out because somebody was choking them out. If I was put in that situation I would probably just tap out because you know, it would be the smart thing to do. Plus, do you know how many hours those athletes put in on training to build muscle, and excercising to loose wait? And they dont get to eat whatever they want, they have a strict diet plan. Do you still want to be a professional fighter after all that I have just said. Although It would be pretty tight to be able to fight twelve times a year and be able to make a decent living off of it.

I hope you enjoyed this essay.

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