Thursday, May 29, 2008

Photo Essay

Our project is finally finished! We did a photo essay for our final project and bond finished editing it last night. If you want to see it go to youtube and search "becoming a champion photo essay". This graphic peice of literature tells the story of a nerd who isnt very athleteic and ends up being horribly embarassed in front of all of his other classmates. But later that night he decides to make a committment to train hard and become the most physically fit kid in his class. I'm not going to tell you how it ends, but i will tell you that it is pretty funny, plus the music's not bad either.

I was watching some other photo essays on youtube and ours blows the others out of the water. They are more of a serious nature, and arent really in an order, they are just random pics that the person took and then put them together in a random order, not really trying to geta point across. I think that our essay is very good because as a person who knows what the story was suppose to portray, its very clear and easy to understand.

So please go watch the vid.

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