Friday, May 2, 2008

Continuing my blog...

I was presented an interesting question in class today. Should I continue to write on my blog after the school year is over? My original thought was no, but then as i started to think about it, i realized that there wouldnt be any requirements and i could do whatever i wanted to with it. You know, drop a couple of f-bombs here and there, put up some funny youtube videos that are inappropriate for a school sponsored project (by the way, if you dont go kennedy, this is a requirement). Do you know what the most interesting part of this assignment has been to me so far? I put a couple of ads from google on my blog (you probably noticed) just for the fun of it, not expecting anything to happen. A couple of weeks passed and nothing had happened, until I went to my adsense account and added a video ad. I checked my adsense account just for laughs, and what I saw next suprrised the heck out of me. I had made one thousand dollars in five days. I'm kidding about that part, but I swear to god that I made fifty-four cents off my blog. Just by being lazy, clicking on a couple of things, I made half a dollar. Isnt America great?

Back to the original point. Should I keep my blog going? The toughest part of the question is wether or not I will forget my password. You might be laughing now, but it's happened before, especially when it comes to padalocks on your gym locker. I've wasted 12 or 13 bucks buying new padalocks because I forgot the combonations. And let me tell you, nothing is more embarassing than having to break off your own lock with a weight plate.

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