Sunday, April 27, 2008

Movie Makin'

Dude I was thinkin for like two seconds in between blogs about what this entry was going to be about and I came up with a genius one. I would be a sick movie director becuase I've got some great ideas that I've never really taken seriously- till now. First off, I'd have to change my name to something like Schmeven Schmeilberg, kidding about that but my real name would be like that one director whose name is M. Night Shamalan or however you spell it. Great name just came to me C. Day Llamahon. That was a joke too (haha).

My first movie would be one that was consisted of a whole bunch of skits like the shows Cahpelle's Show and Human Giant. I would get some crazy funny actors. I don't even want to say any of my ideas right now due to the fact that they are so good that some director somewhere would steal them and claim them as there own, and they are a little half-baked. But I'm still coming up with solutions to the problems. Another idea would be a mix between James Bond and The Matrix- so basically alot of gunfire in slow motion that features people who wear sunglasses in the dead of night. Dude, just came up with that joke on the spot, and it still wasnt funny. I'm going to quit while I'm still ahead by a little bit.

Dude, terrible blog entry, dude.

Baseball Practice

I am straight p.o.ed right now because the first baseball practice starts tomorrow. I think I wrote like two months ago that it was gonna start and I didnt know if i was going to be excited or nervous. Well I'm neither because I'm pissed because I didnt take enough preseason preperation and I know that I am going to suck it up out there but do you know what? I do care, but I already know that I'm not going to be playing varstiy this year, so I'm pretty much holding out for JV, which I am pretty confident I'll be starting in.

I have a bit of an issue however. I just started learning to play catcher this offseason because the head coach asked me to. He did it because we only have one junior catcher, and he wants a back up in case he gets hurt (but hes pretty good). Anywho my issue was that I dont know what my primary position is going to be tomorrow because he was pretty firm that he wanted me to at least learn the posistion, but last year I was a pretty decent outfielder. I know what I'm going to do, I'll just ask him what he wants me to do even though I think I know the answer but I'd rather be the other one. Oh well I guess I'll just do what he thinks I can do to help the team. Dude, great idea, Ill just say that my primary posistion is utility. That means that I play everything which i do. Freshman year I played second base, last year I played left field, and this year, I might be catching. How crazy is that?

P.S. baseball's not tight.


The weather has been so nice lately, I have played two rounds of golf. The latter round being yesterday (Saturday) at Airport, and the first round being at Twin Pines. Saturdays weather was actually pretty crappy because it was super duper windy, plust airport is like a links course so its very open and there are no trees in sight. There's this one hole that is about 380 yards long and about 70 yards downhill with a cornfield to the right and a wind blowing 20 mph from the left. I aimed my driver two fairways to the left and my ball ended up barely being in bounds. It was pretty fun though because I played with three of my friends. We played a two on two best ball. We won the front 9 by one stroke, and they won the second 9 by two strokes and we didnt play the back back 9 (airport has 27 holes). They ended up the champions because of a lucky shot on the last hole. We were both on in two shots except we were six feet away from the cup and they were probably 46 feet away with a severly sloping put. All we had to do was to beat them by one shot and we wouldve tied overall, but one of their guys hit a super hard lag put, perfect line, hit the cup and pop out to about six inches away. If he wouldve missed the cup, they wouldve been a good 25 feet away. They made a par on the hole which meant we could still tie for the overall score. We had two puts to make a six footer and my partner went first, as he had the entire game. He hit his on a pretty good line and it lip out on the bottome edge. It was all up to me. I spent a good two minutes lining up my put to make sure that I wouldnt miss. I stepped up to knock mine in and when I hit it, I knew I missed it because I shanked it straight right.

And that's why I'm not playing in the US Open, this year.

Speeding Ticket

Remember a couple of blogs ago when I was writing about that speeding ticket I got? Well I went to the courthouse to pay it and finalize it on my driving record, but the judge informed me that there was an option to write a theme on driving and the violation wouldnt go onto my record, so the insurance company wouldnt know about it and the fine was reduced from 89.60 down to 50.00. I was happy about both things.

Anyways all that happened on March 17, and the judge gave me a due date of May 1st so i had a chance to work on it over spring break, but guess what. That sure as h-e-double hockey sticks didnt happen and now im stuck with writing another two thousand word essay on top of the one that im already working on for AP Lang. Ive allready got 1115 words done, but I really dont think that i can make a coherent essay on the topic of safe driving that is two thousand words long. Ive already repeated the same point three of four times throughout it and Ive still got 900 more words to go. Maybe the people at the courthouse wont actually read it, so Ill catch a break and theyll let me off scott free without realizing i only wrote 500 words and pasted it four times.

Anywho only six more posts this evening.

My Weekend

Nothing to write about, so I'm going to bore you with what I did this weekend.

On Friday, I met a friend at the KPL at about, oh I dont know 8:15. We stayed there for a little bit and then we went to go get some food at Wendy's on Blairs Ferry Road. On our way there, one of my friends called and he said that him and another kid were going to meet us there, so I said what the hey. When we were at Wendy's, I ordered a Baconator sandwhich, some 99 cent nuggets, and a small chocolate frosty. It was pretty good, but a little expensive, the total ended up to be about six dollars and fifty cents. I'm not too woried about money though because on Saturday I umped to baseball games for some eight year olds, it was extremely boring but I made thirty dollars a game so it was worth it. After I finished with that somebody called me and wanted to golfing so I went to go play eighteen holes at Airport International Golf Course in Eely. We were gonna get two carts, but we didnt have enough money, plus we werent eighteen. But that didnt stop my friend from lying to the clerk and said he was old enough but he left his drivers license in his car (we all rode out together) and the clerk just said "you promise me youre eighteen?". I was very suprised at this but i just rolled with the punches. Since we only had one cart and I didnt have enough money, me and one kid walked while the other two rode but it was fine. On Saturday night my grandma was it town, and since she only comes over like once a year my parents made me stay home even though I just chilled in the basement the whole night and didnt even see or talk to them. Oh well, it was kinda nice just relaxin at home for a night.

How stupid was this entry? Well I have seven more to do tonight, so there probablly going to get worse.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If a tree falls in the woods...

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is there to hear it will it make a sound? You've all heard this before and have your own opinions. I personally don't care what you think, but I think the tree does make a sound because it makes sound waves that are there even if no one is around to hear them. But some others people's definition of a sound is an audible noise that must be detected by an ear. But that definition is wrong simply because of the fact that if a frequency is so high that it is impossible for the human ear to detect, it is still around. Kndy25 was quoted saying "if a tree falls it produces a sound wave, but a sound wave must be detected for it to be a noise, but a noise is classified as energy that is transfered into a sound wave, therefore we are back to square one, but the true answer can be found in Einstein's theory of relativity, therefore when one plugs the ammount of sound energy into the equation E=MCsquared, you must take the derivitive on the trigonomic function of x." He's full of crap. But the bottom line is, if you dont agree with me, than you're wrong.

If you have an opinion on the debate, please let me know.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Time

You know what today reminded me of? Yep, you guessed it, spring time. I know we may officially be almost a month into it, but today was the first day that I felt the weather was nice and warm. I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt to school, and I was about perfect when I was outside. The reason I brought this up was because of the fact that I was supposed to have four baseball games this past weekend, but they were cancelled due to a mxture of rain, snow, and temperatures that were below freezing. I'm not saying that I was upset that our games were cancelled by any means, I'm just giving an example. Speaking of spring league, I am having just a break out season...not. This is probablly the worst I've played in a while. I only have like four hits and six walks, oh well, it's just spring leak, noone cares, or at least that's the way the saying goes.

Why am I writing about spring time you may ask. Well that's quite simple I was letting my iTunes play, and I ecountered a song that I had put on my iPod for my dad that is called forty below by Johnny Horton. It's like a country/bluegrass/hick song, but he enjoys it. But the other actuall reason that I am writing about spring time is because when you have to do three mandatory blogs per week, you run out of topics to write about. My next blog will probably be about what i thought of the movie mean girls. Good movie btw. Oh in case you are wondering btw means by the way. Wow I'm really bored right now, I'm about to dip and go play some halo. But I would like to close with a joke.

How do you catch a unique rabbit? Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame rabbit? The tame way.

Oh my god, those are hilarious.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Research Paper Again

I know you are probably sick of reading about what I'm going to write about, but this is the last non mandatory post about my research paper.

I've decided to switch topics because the topic that I picked was to stupid, plus I couldnt find any credible sources and let me tell you, I am one lazy kid. My new topic is blood doping. How legit is that? Not really if you actually know what I'm talking about, but it kinda sounds cool. But what blood doping really is is the process of taking blood from your arm, or neck, or groin and putting it into deep freeze for a few weeks until your body replaces all of the red blood cells that it lost, and then injecting yourself with your pre-frozen groin blood. It sounds kind of dumb, but some professional cyclists do it because it increases endurance and stamina because your body has a higher-than-normal hemoglobin level within your body. It is also very hard to tell wether or not an athlete has been blood doping because of the fact that your own blood, believe it or not, is a natural compound that your body makes. Sounds like a blast, I'm gonna try it pretty soon...not. There are some serious diseases that can come from injecting yourself with a non sterile substance.

In my paper I hope to discuss the who's, what's, when's, where's, and why's pf my topic. I plan to use a variety of persons. By this I mean utilizing the first, second, and third person throughout my writing. I even plan to interview convicted blood doper Floyd Landis. Oh wait that's right, he wasn't aware he was blood doping. I guess I can't include that interview in my paper.

I hope this outlook of my paper has made you interested in reading my paper, but probablly not.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Break

It's been a while since I last posted, but noone reads my blog anyways so I dont think it matters. I would like to tell you a little bit about how my spring break went.

My first day off, I had two baseball games. Thankfully they were in Cedar Rapids, but I played absolutely terrible, but I didnt care because I was thinking about how awesome the rest of my spring break was going to be without baseball. On Sunday, that's when the real fun began. We got of all of our stuff ready to fly out to Colorado. That's right skiing for three days on some of the best snow in the world. Well that might be a bit dramatic, but it is some pretty good skiing out there. The trip started out by our luggage getting sent to Chicago. That doesnt sound so bad right? Wrong. We were on a direct flight from Cedar Rapids to Denver. It was a pretty good start out to our vacation...not.

We didnt even think we were going to go skiing the first day because we didnt have any of our gear. But as luck would have it, our stuff showed up about 10 o'clock. The worst possible time because the mountain opens at 9 and closes at 4. We decided we would squeeze in a short day of skiing. When we had all of our stuff on, one of the people I was with said he was gonna go get the car cleaned off (it had snowed the night before) and we thought it was a good idea. We get down to the car five minutes later to see the car running and him sitting on the ground. We asked him what had happened and he said that he started the car and accidentally locked all the doors. We called the cops and they came and got the door open, but it delayed us about another 30 minutes. We finally got up on top of the mountain at about 11:15 and only got to ski for 4 or 5 hours.

We got back on Wednesday morning only to find that our luggage had been a flight delayed and we had to go back to the airport to get at like 8 o'clock at night. But the rest of my vacation was just fine, I even won 75 dollars because I won a pool for the NCAA tournament, that was the cherry on top of my spring break.